Local political party Rotterdam sounds the alarm bells about the Port of Rotterdam
Today in De Havenloods a local newspaper wrote:
Local political party Leefbaar Rotterdam is concerned about major job losses and the continued existence of the Port Of Rotterdam. Read the full article in Dutch at https://www.dehavenloods.nl/nieuws/algemeen/56855/leefbaar-maakt-zich-zorgen-over-grote-banenverlies-en-voortbe
For years now, I have been warning the Municipality of Rotterdam and the Port Authority for years that it is a dead end because the European Union is developing more and more container terminals and freight railways on the Mediterranean Sea, which means that large container ships from China can unload containers in Europe in 14 days instead of 21 days, after which they are distributed by coastal vessels and trains. I will demonstrate the difference with a small example.
Suppose a Maersk container ship can transport 100 million euro of containers at a time. The question now is whether the ship from China:
a. sails 21 days full outbound and 21 days empty back to Rotterdam, which means that it can sail 365/42=8.5 times back and forth, in short, can ship 850 million euros
b. sails 14 days full outbound and 14 days empty back to Greek ports, which means that it can sail 365/28=13 times back and forth and can ship 1,300 million euros
c. 15-16 days full there and 15-16 days empty back to Venice or Genoa, which means they can ship 365/32 = 11.4 times = 1,140 million euros.
From Genoa and Venice, the containers can reach Switzerland, Austria, Germany and Poland in no time thanks to the new Gothard Base Freight Rail Tunnel. Central and Eastern Europe are also easily accessible from Venice and France can be reached from Genoa in just 2 hours.
In short, the Port of Rotterdam is over and closed and is destined for the same fate as the seaports on the East Coast of America. Only an initiative like https://www.aircargorotterdam.com/ could save the Port of Rotterdam, but Port Alderman Robert Simons and Port Authority Director Boudewijn Siemons completely lack vision.