World Water Day Sweeps Through Rotterdam Port
Rotterdam, January 29, 2025
World Water Day is taking the broom to Rotterdam Port, and we’re calling on everyone to come to Rotterdam!
18 Years of World Water Day
To mark the 18th UN – International Day Of Water, Stichting Aquarius, with the proceeds from the annual Rotterdam Swim, is organizing a major cleanup event in six Rotterdam city harbors. This year, we invite everyone to join our 18th public-friendly cleanup initiative.
Rotterdam Swim – Petition
The Rotterdam Swim, the iconic 3 km swim around the Noordereiland in the heart of Rotterdam, is the oldest urban swim in Europe. Despite the Rotterdam municipality’s ban on this nearly two-decade-old and by far the most famous urban swim, we have decided to clean up the Rotterdam city harbors along the longest river in Europe. Do you want to brave the waves of this ancient, mighty, proud, and clean river again this year, either alone or with friends or colleagues? Sign and share the petition at
Six Rotterdam City Harbors
The cleanup in the six different city harbors will take place in a wave-like fashion, with a new start in a different harbor every hour. The event is suitable for both sporty, experienced river cleaners and newcomers. We offer two long-distance routes, where participants start early and clean an average of 1.66 km of shoreline per hour. For those who have previously participated in one of our other river cleanups, there are two medium-distance routes available. And for true beginners, there are two short-distance routes, where participants clean less than 1.12 km of shoreline per hour. In short, there’s something for everyone during the 18th World Water Day cleanup, which will take place at the following times and locations:
- 08:00-14:00: Eemhaven (10 km, 1.66 km per hour)
- 09:00-14:10: Waalhaven (9 km, 1.74 km per hour)
- 10:00-14:20: Maashaven (5 km, 1.15 km per hour)
- 11:00-14:30: Vierhaven (4 km, 1.14 km per hour)
- 12:00-14:40: Merwehaven (3 km, 1.12 km per hour)
- 13:00-15:00: Rijnhaven (2 km, 1 km per hour)
After each cleanup, we will pick up all participants by boat for the annual World Water Day celebration.
Our experienced volunteers, who have been dedicated to clean rivers since the first edition in 2009, will ensure a safe and well-organized cleanup. They will provide all participants with the necessary materials, and after returning the materials, everyone will receive a special World Water Day commemorative pin. For participants who join for more than two hours, local fruit, Rotterdam-style gingerbread, coffee, tea, and lemonade will be available halfway. Our guides will ensure that the annual World Water Day cleanup is not only useful but also a fun and unforgettable event.

Commemorative Pin
With the commemorative pin, you’ll be the center of attention in the café in the evening, on the sports field on Sunday, or at work or school on Monday. The World Water Day pin also grants you access to the closing party. After the cleanup, we’ll pick you up and bring you safely back to where we picked you up, using our tour boat.
Youngest Participants
The cleanup of the Rotterdam city harbors is not suitable for the very youngest. Especially for them, we have developed a coloring page in collaboration with the Art Drawing Center. This way, they too can proudly show that they care about clean water. Parents who submit the coloring page at the start of the cleanup on March 22 will not only receive the coveted World Water Day pin but also a beautiful set of colored pencils for their little ones at the end.

Together We Make a Difference
Your participation not only helps keep the city harbor clean and safe but also raises awareness about the importance of clean water. Don’t worry if you’re coming alone—during our World Water Day river cleanups, you’ll make friends for life.
Take action and help us clean the Rotterdam city harbors on World Water Day. Your help makes a world of difference!
Erik van Loon
+316 3 826 5666
P.S. Over the past 18 years, Stichting Aquarius, with the proceeds from the Rotterdam Swim, Amsterdam Swim, Mermaid Parade, and Amsterdam Rotterdam Triathlon, has cleaned up no less than 40 rivers both domestically and internationally on World Water Day. This 33 km cleanup is a short distance, but we hope people from all over Europe will make the effort to come to Rotterdam and lend a hand.