Andorra is a landlocked country, meaning it does not have direct access to the sea and therefore does not have a port. It is located in the Pyrenees mountains between France and Spain. If Andorra needs to import or export goods by sea, it typically uses ports in neighboring countries, such as Barcelona or Tarragona in Spain, or Port-Vendres in France.
Water Quality
Andorra has made significant strides in improving its water quality. Since 1996, the country has built four water purification plants and established a robust monitoring system under the Ministry of Environment, Agriculture, and Sustainable Development. The Ministry samples water from 37 stations and has extracted over 17,000 tons of solid waste from rivers in recent years.
As of March 2017, 86% of Andorra’s surface water was classified as high quality, a dramatic improvement from just 40% in 2005. Minister Silvia Calvó highlighted that nearly 100% of sewage is now purified. These efforts have not only enhanced drinking water safety for citizens but also revitalized river ecosystems, benefitting neighbouring countries Spain and France.